Introducing: Love for Loners
March 11, 2011
Love for Loners is our weekly feature promoting awesome films that are currently streaming for free online. It is written by resident misanthrope Jon Smith.
It’s the weekend, which means — unless there’s a good show or party to attend — I’ll be locking myself indoors with the curtains drawn building a city, eating snacks on snacks and surfing okcupid for my soulmate. This column is dedicated to those of you who prefer the dim glow of an LCD screen over the horrifying strength of the sun.
Death to Smoochy
I’d like to think Death to Smoochy gives insight into what it’s like to be stuck inside the mind of of a madman. Yes, Robin Williams plays a children’s tv show host who goes crazy after being busted for accepting bribes, but the madman I am referring to is the director, Danny Devito. This film is somehow both the darkest and most uplifting film I have ever seen.
Hannah Takes the Stairs
Mumblecore is not a genre of music, but of film. First started by Andrew Bujalski, mumblecore movies are like mockumentaries without the humor. They’re super-low-budget and focus on realistic personal relationships between twenty-somethings. When I say realistic, I mean that most of the dialogue is unenthused and doesn’t really go anywhere. Most people don’t “get” these types of films. I suggest you give it a try.
The Beach
Danny Boyle has made some of my favorite and least favorite films of all time. Sunshine? epic. Millions? Lame. 28 Days Later? The shit. Slumdog Millionaire? ÜBERLAME. This is the one movie of his that I hadn’t seen yet. If you’ve ever travelled overseas or dreamed of running away from your life, you will love this movie. It’s also so suspenseful that, on a few occasions, I screamed at my computer I was so nervous.